Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Schizoanalytic Cartographies

Από εδώ

Schizoanalytic CartographiesSchizoanalytic Cartographies is an ambitious and thought-provoking book that provides a detailed exposition of Guattari’s version of schizoanalysis, a form of analysis that he extracts from the debris of a reductionist psychoanalysis. As part of this approach, Guattari looks to “minimize the use of notions like those of subjectivity, consciousness, significance … as transcendental entities that are impermeable to concrete situations” (page 23) and instead provides an array of terms which he offers as instruments for a speculative cartography. The schizoanalytic cartographies of the title, then, are maps which refuse a fixed and invariant domain of subjectivity, but are rather relational configurations which change state and status as a function of particular assemblages. Guattari imagines this as a framework with which to protect schizoanalysis from the temptation to give in to the ideal of scientificity that ordinarily prevails and, as such, we may read his schizoanalytic cartographies as attempts to position, if only temporarily, singularities and processes of singularisation. What is at stake here is the enunciation of singularities which are outside of the dominant coordinates, on the basis of which ‘mutant universes of reference’ can spring up and for which “no calculation can predict the position or the potentialities” (page 104).

The sometimes oblique nature of the writing relates to Guattari’s attempt to establish a new analytic that might capture new modes of expression; this can be seen in how the syntax itself creates forms of schizo-cartographies. Take his discussion of existence and diagrams, for instance:
Cycle of the Assemblages of enunciation“We must now examine the impact of expressive smoothing (EC) on the structures of modular – I would be tempted to say medullary – reference. It is impossible to go in one direction without taking into account the counter-effect of that movement on the point one has just left! Because of the fractal unfolding of fields of possibility, this incidence of Expression on territorialized modules will not take place brutally but by thresholds, to the extent that new attractors of Content Cφ will acquire consistency.” (page 142)
As Goffey so eloquently puts it, this “is a question about the specificity of his theoretical practice, in the sense that the idiom, the idiosyncracy – the idiocy, even – of a jargon testifies to what it is that matters to it” (page xix)As his erstwhile collaborator (and admirer) Deleuze once noted, Guattari’s “ideas are like drawings, or even diagrams” (2006, page 238).

Προς μια απόπειρα απόρριψης του γενικού μοντέλου - ή « του κανονικοποιημένου σχιζοαναλυτικού πρωτοκόλλου» που απασχολούσε τον guattari. Είναι μια εσκεμμένη «μετατόπιση» της αναλυτική προβληματικής, μια εσκεμμένη μετατόπιση από την ανάλυση "των συστημάτων των καταστάσεων και των επιτελεσμένων υποκειμενικές δομών προς τις συναθροίσεις(assemblages) εκφοράς (enunciation), ώστε να δημιουργηθούν νέες συντεταγμένες ανάγνωσης και να« αναδυθούν "νέες αναπαραστάσεις και προτάσεις"(page 17).

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